Hello kids,
Still remember what you've learned last week with Kak Enrico? Last week we learned story about Jesus died on the cross, and how Jesus was mocked by the criminals, and the Roman soldier knows He is innocent man, and how Joseph from Arimathea took and buried Jesus. But what was most important is that Jesus is Alive! He rose from the dead on Sunday...that is why we are celebrating Easter!
Look who claimed 20 pts for the memory verse? Nobody...but....Joshua, Congratulations Joshua, you did memorize 20 memory verses. He got a little gift in a box. Josh, I hope you didnt drop it on the way home.......

Now, Kak Enrico divided the class to 3 separated groups...using scissor-paper-stone and show-black-or-white-palm. (Hahaha....I really dont know what is the technique name in English).
So here are the 3 groups:
Sam, Adeline, Angel (blue)

Joshua, Kezia, Greta (pink)

Jocelyn, Nathania, Steven (yellow)

So, here is the instruction, "Listen carefully" said Kak Enrico.

Each of your group has to find 8 clues, which are written to a colored paper. You have to find the clue according to the color given to your group.

The clues are hidden anywhere in our class......Hmm...perhaps you should suspect : "How come we have unusual balloons all around our class?"

Great! Yellow group has found all the clues. They are now working together to re-arrange all the clues into a story which later one of group member has to tell in front of the class.

Then Blue group and pink group collected all of their clues too. Now they are working hard to tell the story.

Hmm....all the clues are referring to bible! Yellow group has to tell story about Jesus is alive and showed himself to the Disciples and later rose to Heaven. And Blue group has to tell story about Jesus was crucified and mocked by the criminals and people there. And pink group has to tell story about Jesus was died and buried.....Can you know which story has to be told first? Yellow group's story first, or Blue group's story first, or Pink group's story first.
Story telling time!
Each of group sends their representatives. Yellow group sends Nathania, Blue group sends Samuel, and Pink group sends Joshua. Hey......someone looks want to runaway :P:P

So here is the correct order.
Blue group has to tell the story first:

followed by group pink

and finally followed by yellow group.

And here is our memory verse:
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God" (1 John 3:1).
Are you curious how is it like when all of us looking for the clues? Some are hidden under tables, chairs, on the blinds, inside the balloons, on whiteboard, under the piano, and......among the papers on the softboard !
Happy Sunday everyone!