"Are you as smart as a donkey?" asked Mr. Jim, the leader of the children's church. The kids laughed, and Mr. Jim continued. "If you are, you can serve Jesus. The donkey in today's lesson did."

"I don't get it," said Trevor. "Jesus rode on the donkey's back, didn't He? (See
today's Scripture reading.) You mean we're supposed to give people rides on our backs?" Trevor liked to ask questions that might make the kids laugh.
Mr. Jim smiled. "No," he said, "but the donkey gives us a
great picture of a servant. First of all, he was where God wanted him to be-he was available. We should ask ourselves, 'Am I in a place where God can use me? Am I available to Him?'"
Trevor shrugged. "I am," he said. "I'm here all the time-whether I want to be or not." Some of the kids laughed, and he looked pleased with himself. "But I'm not good at singing or speaking," he added, "and I don't have any money to give, either."

"I've sat in front of
you in church, Trevor," said Mr. Jim. "I happen to know you actually have a very good singing voice." He smiled as he added, "The donkey had to be untied. Maybe you need to let Jesus untie your fears-maybe you're afraid to try to serve Him."
Trevor frowned. He couldn't think of any smart reply, and Mr. Jim
continued the lesson. "Also, the donkey was willing to let Jesus control him," said Mr. Jim, and he explained that even though the donkey had never been ridden before, he did what Jesus wanted him to do. "Have you truly let Jesus control you, or have you been stubborn?" asked Mr. Jim. Trevor began to feel more uncomfortable.
"How about it, class?" asked Mr. Jim at the end of the
lesson. "Will you ask God to take control of your life, to loosen your tongue
and untie your fears? Will you be a servant just like the little donkey

Are you afraid to sing or play an instrument to serve Jesus? Do you think kids will laugh if you make a mistake? Are you willing to give a testimony or share a Scripture verse if you sense God wants you to do that? Take a lesson from the donkey. Be available for wh
atever task, great or small, God has for you. Ask Him to remove your fear. Let Jesus control your life.
"Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God." Romans 12:1
(taken from CBHMinistries' Keys for Kids)