Thursday, October 21, 2010

Babies are amazing ....

Have you ever observed when a baby is drinking milk from the bottle? I realized how amazing the babies are when our family doctor told me that actually a baby is able to drink from bottle and breath almost at the same time. Yes! Bigger kids or adults may be choked if doing so. God's creations are amazing!


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Children's Outing 2010

Hello all,

Last week, you all still remember about our outing to Singapore Zoo? I'm sure you remember. Do you know that Singapore Zoo is one of the best Zoo in the world? It is in one of the top 10 zoos in the world.

In the zoo, we all see God's creation, some of them are crocodiles, monkeys, elephants, Rhino, big fish, and many many land creatures. How rich is our God! Praise the Lord.

Here are some of your photos on the day.

If you like to download or see it in bigger size, do visit:

God bless you all,


A misunderstanding chick

Hi Kids,

I believe you have visited a farm, either here in Singapore or Indonesia. Have you experienced playing with a chick? Have you tried to communicate with it? Could it understand your language? Here I have a story.

There was a man who saw a chick that was in danger, it was walking too close to the road. Preventing something bad happened to the chick, the man tried to approach and safe it. Unfortunately, the chick was not able to understand and even ran closer to the road.

The man then refrained to do further, realizing that his action might endanger its life. He thought, "if I was a roaster, I should be able to communicate with the chick....".

Above illustration remainds us why Jesus came as a human and not any other kind of creature. He came to safe our lives, blended with us, humans.

So, now we understand one of many reasons why Jesus came as a human.

Have a blessed week and cheers!
