Do you still remember few weeks ago, when Kak Aini tell us a story of Joshua lead Israelites to help Gibeonites? And as opening, we play a small game: Human Alphabets. Look at those pictures! Ian and Kelvin put their head together ( must've hurt :) ), Steven stand straight, Kezia and Audrey forms a "d" letter (Kezia must've been tired to bend like that :D ). Yup they formed a letter "Aid" - which describe what Joshua did for Gibeonites.
Ow, there is another team forming up another words!
Look at Angel and Kezia holding hands together to form "M", Kelvin and Ian forms "E" (hey....I can see Ian sleeping :P), Felix forms a single "r", and followed by Audrey forms "c", and closed by "Y" from Steven and Ryan. :)
Look at Angel and Kezia holding hands together to form "M", Kelvin and Ian forms "E" (hey....I can see Ian sleeping :P), Felix forms a single "r", and followed by Audrey forms "c", and closed by "Y" from Steven and Ryan. :)

The story evolve around Canaan, where Gibeonites trick Joshua and Israelites into an agreement so that they can stay alive in their lands. Joshua and Israelites has no choice but to obey what promise they had given to Gibeonites, they are let alive. But there is another problem comes to Gibeonites! They are attacked by 5 kingdoms around their country, because those kingdoms hate Israelites. They've heard that Gibeonites made friend with Israelites, so they assume Gibeonites were their enemy. Being so scared, Gibeonites asked Joshua to rescue them. Although Joshua and Israelites were tricked, they still have mercy and willing to help Gibeonites. Well....with God at their side, 5 kingdoms are not a problem at all. :)
So......Joshua has set an example to HELP people around us :), even they've done something wrong to us.
Last Human Alphabets: "HELP" :)

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