Hello Kids,
There are additional photos from your outing to Jurong Bird Park on 2009.
You can find it at:
Enjoy :)
- kak Lung sen
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Sunday School Outing 2009 - to BirdPark
Hello Class,
You can find photos of our Outing last week at:
Or you can browse using flash player:
You can find photos of our Outing last week at:
Or you can browse using flash player:
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
For the Birds! - Blog Quiz
Hello kidz,
Here is a funny cartoon by Pixar animation studio (the one who created Finding Nemo). :-), it is one of my favorite clip =).
Okay, quiz time. Please mention what lesson(s) we can learn from the clip. I will choose one best answer. If you can quote bible verse to support your answer, it will be a plus value. You can submit your answer to: lungsen01@yahoo.com. Please submit your answer latest by 26th September 2009. I will give a present to one who give the best answer (judged by Kak Daniel, Kak Aini, and me)...
Happy fun watching..
Here is a funny cartoon by Pixar animation studio (the one who created Finding Nemo). :-), it is one of my favorite clip =).
Okay, quiz time. Please mention what lesson(s) we can learn from the clip. I will choose one best answer. If you can quote bible verse to support your answer, it will be a plus value. You can submit your answer to: lungsen01@yahoo.com. Please submit your answer latest by 26th September 2009. I will give a present to one who give the best answer (judged by Kak Daniel, Kak Aini, and me)...
Happy fun watching..
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hello Kids,
For POMG (meeting between your parents and teachers) on 11 October 2009, our class is going to perform something, it is called Human Piano :)
How does it look like? It looks like this:
But the thing is, we arenot going to cover you with all-white clothes, but you are going to sit behind a screen. And, you will use styrofoam scores, instead of balls and sticks to throw and catch. Sounds difficult? come to our practice everyweek after Sunday School :)
For POMG (meeting between your parents and teachers) on 11 October 2009, our class is going to perform something, it is called Human Piano :)
How does it look like? It looks like this:
But the thing is, we arenot going to cover you with all-white clothes, but you are going to sit behind a screen. And, you will use styrofoam scores, instead of balls and sticks to throw and catch. Sounds difficult? come to our practice everyweek after Sunday School :)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Class Attendance June 2009
Class Attendance May 2009
Hello class!
It has been a while since I update your class attendance. The class attendance is used to measure how often are you going to Sunday School, but it is not to judge you. It doesnt mean that a person who go to church more often will be more "righteous" than the one who go there less frequent. But I always encourage you to come everyweek to Sunday School :)
So here it is for May 2009. Please click on the picture to get clearer picture :)

in His grace,
Lung Sen
It has been a while since I update your class attendance. The class attendance is used to measure how often are you going to Sunday School, but it is not to judge you. It doesnt mean that a person who go to church more often will be more "righteous" than the one who go there less frequent. But I always encourage you to come everyweek to Sunday School :)
So here it is for May 2009. Please click on the picture to get clearer picture :)
in His grace,
Lung Sen

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Class attendance on April 2009
Dear Love class,
As usual, in the end of every month I will update you your class attendance so that you can measure how often do you come to Sunday School, and perhaps it can encourage you to come more often to Sunday School :)
So here is the class attendance.

Well done to Greta, Jocelyn, Kezia, Ryan, Samuel and Steven. All of you came to Sunday School every WEEK in April 2009! :) :)
I am still waiting for FULL class attendance so that we can take our class 2009 photo! (hmm...that is the reason why I always bring my digital camera every week :P)
Kak Lung Sen
As usual, in the end of every month I will update you your class attendance so that you can measure how often do you come to Sunday School, and perhaps it can encourage you to come more often to Sunday School :)
So here is the class attendance.
Well done to Greta, Jocelyn, Kezia, Ryan, Samuel and Steven. All of you came to Sunday School every WEEK in April 2009! :) :)
I am still waiting for FULL class attendance so that we can take our class 2009 photo! (hmm...that is the reason why I always bring my digital camera every week :P)
Kak Lung Sen
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Class Attendance on March 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Jesus is Alive (29 Mar 2009)
Hello kids,
Still remember what you've learned last week with Kak Enrico? Last week we learned story about Jesus died on the cross, and how Jesus was mocked by the criminals, and the Roman soldier knows He is innocent man, and how Joseph from Arimathea took and buried Jesus. But what was most important is that Jesus is Alive! He rose from the dead on Sunday...that is why we are celebrating Easter!
Look who claimed 20 pts for the memory verse? Nobody...but....Joshua, Congratulations Joshua, you did memorize 20 memory verses. He got a little gift in a box. Josh, I hope you didnt drop it on the way home.......

Now, Kak Enrico divided the class to 3 separated groups...using scissor-paper-stone and show-black-or-white-palm. (Hahaha....I really dont know what is the technique name in English).
So here are the 3 groups:
Sam, Adeline, Angel (blue)

Joshua, Kezia, Greta (pink)

Jocelyn, Nathania, Steven (yellow)

So, here is the instruction, "Listen carefully" said Kak Enrico.

Each of your group has to find 8 clues, which are written to a colored paper. You have to find the clue according to the color given to your group.

The clues are hidden anywhere in our class......Hmm...perhaps you should suspect : "How come we have unusual balloons all around our class?"

Great! Yellow group has found all the clues. They are now working together to re-arrange all the clues into a story which later one of group member has to tell in front of the class.

Then Blue group and pink group collected all of their clues too. Now they are working hard to tell the story.

Hmm....all the clues are referring to bible! Yellow group has to tell story about Jesus is alive and showed himself to the Disciples and later rose to Heaven. And Blue group has to tell story about Jesus was crucified and mocked by the criminals and people there. And pink group has to tell story about Jesus was died and buried.....Can you know which story has to be told first? Yellow group's story first, or Blue group's story first, or Pink group's story first.
Story telling time!
Each of group sends their representatives. Yellow group sends Nathania, Blue group sends Samuel, and Pink group sends Joshua. Hey......someone looks want to runaway :P:P

So here is the correct order.
Blue group has to tell the story first:

followed by group pink

and finally followed by yellow group.

And here is our memory verse:
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God" (1 John 3:1).
Are you curious how is it like when all of us looking for the clues? Some are hidden under tables, chairs, on the blinds, inside the balloons, on whiteboard, under the piano, and......among the papers on the softboard !
Happy Sunday everyone!
Still remember what you've learned last week with Kak Enrico? Last week we learned story about Jesus died on the cross, and how Jesus was mocked by the criminals, and the Roman soldier knows He is innocent man, and how Joseph from Arimathea took and buried Jesus. But what was most important is that Jesus is Alive! He rose from the dead on Sunday...that is why we are celebrating Easter!
Look who claimed 20 pts for the memory verse? Nobody...but....Joshua, Congratulations Joshua, you did memorize 20 memory verses. He got a little gift in a box. Josh, I hope you didnt drop it on the way home.......

Now, Kak Enrico divided the class to 3 separated groups...using scissor-paper-stone and show-black-or-white-palm. (Hahaha....I really dont know what is the technique name in English).
So here are the 3 groups:
Sam, Adeline, Angel (blue)

Joshua, Kezia, Greta (pink)

Jocelyn, Nathania, Steven (yellow)

So, here is the instruction, "Listen carefully" said Kak Enrico.

Each of your group has to find 8 clues, which are written to a colored paper. You have to find the clue according to the color given to your group.

The clues are hidden anywhere in our class......Hmm...perhaps you should suspect : "How come we have unusual balloons all around our class?"

Great! Yellow group has found all the clues. They are now working together to re-arrange all the clues into a story which later one of group member has to tell in front of the class.

Then Blue group and pink group collected all of their clues too. Now they are working hard to tell the story.

Hmm....all the clues are referring to bible! Yellow group has to tell story about Jesus is alive and showed himself to the Disciples and later rose to Heaven. And Blue group has to tell story about Jesus was crucified and mocked by the criminals and people there. And pink group has to tell story about Jesus was died and buried.....Can you know which story has to be told first? Yellow group's story first, or Blue group's story first, or Pink group's story first.
Story telling time!
Each of group sends their representatives. Yellow group sends Nathania, Blue group sends Samuel, and Pink group sends Joshua. Hey......someone looks want to runaway :P:P

So here is the correct order.
Blue group has to tell the story first:

followed by group pink

and finally followed by yellow group.

And here is our memory verse:
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God" (1 John 3:1).
Are you curious how is it like when all of us looking for the clues? Some are hidden under tables, chairs, on the blinds, inside the balloons, on whiteboard, under the piano, and......among the papers on the softboard !
Happy Sunday everyone!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Happy Feet
"If you're happy, and you know it. Stomp your feet". Bum! Bum! Bum!.
Do you remember that song? Hehe...yeah, Kak Edward led us to sing it 2 weeks ago. :)
Well, I guess it has been a while for all of us are in one worship class....P3-P6. So...I guess many of you has known each other well....See if you can guess whose feet as shown in the pictures below. You can send email to our class mailing list :) <>. I will provide a gift for a person who can guess all the pictures right. Good luck!
-Kak Lung Sen-

Feet 1.

Feet 2

Feet 3

Feet 4

Feet 5

Feet 6

Feet 7

Feet 8

Feet 9

Feet 10

Feet 11
Do you remember that song? Hehe...yeah, Kak Edward led us to sing it 2 weeks ago. :)
Well, I guess it has been a while for all of us are in one worship class....P3-P6. So...I guess many of you has known each other well....See if you can guess whose feet as shown in the pictures below. You can send email to our class mailing list :) <
-Kak Lung Sen-

Feet 1.

Feet 2

Feet 3

Feet 4

Feet 5

Feet 6

Feet 7

Feet 8

Feet 9

Feet 10

Feet 11
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Jesus Choose Disciples
Hello Class,
Still remember what happened last week? I hope you do....:) If not, hehe....let me remind you with what happened last week in our Sunday School. You can laugh, feel shy, shout " I can do it BETTER next time!!", and excited to be back again.
Here they are:
Whoops...we have memory verse stamps collecter. Both Steven and Ryan exchange their 10 memory verse stamps for a present..........I heard someone is going to gave his present for his family member, nice one :)

Okay, that day we are learning about Jesus called His first disciples.....they are ordinary people with different occupations...some are fishermen, and tax collector, and other people. But God doesnt see people based on their occupation...but rather their hearts. And it is still applies until now, no matter who you are....Jesus want to make you His disciples.
See a group of you lining up? Yep, first person in the row will receive a word from Kak Aini and has to act the word out to the next person who really didnt know what the word is. The word is a kind of occupation. :)
So, Samuel heard Kak Aini.....hmm..

And he acted the word to Ryan....Ryan paid full attention to Samuel.

And Ryan confidently showed the action he saw from Samuel to Nathania. I think it mustnt been easy. Nathania start to ponder what action was that

Passed to Christa....now Christa looks lost :P:P

And passed to Greta.....hehe......and Greta looks lost too.

Second group:
Ryan, Felix, Angel, Adeline, Jocelyn and Keshia are lining up. Steve received word from Kak Aini, then tapping Felix's shoulder.

Felix tried to guess what Steve tried to tell. and passed it to Angel...it must've been something strange...:) Angel and Felix burst to laugh....hahaha...I guess the rest wont able to guess it already :)

Nevermind, Angel has to try....though it looks awkward.

More awkward kind of dance passed to Jocelyn by Adeline. Then Adeline passed it to Keshia. Good luck!

Okay, wanna see how awkward it is? hmm........what was that? bird?

Steven now kinda worried if the group able to understand, and look he tried to show it again....:P

End result??? hehe................

The group are in chaos now.........:). It is really really difficult game. But Keshia saved the day! she guessed correctly it is fisherman! 100 point for the team!

Steven....try again.

and he is giving up.....:) I guess Angel didnt know that. :)

Nope, he didnt. But I believed Angel will have really hard time to understand it :)

And she did!

So does Adeline..........:)

How about Jocelyn and Keshia? hehehe.....dont ask.

And felix? Heheh...poor Felix.....all the clues are not clear at all. Answer? Policemen :)

Back to Samuel's group. Kak Aini passed the word to Samuel

And then received by Nathania, passed again to Christa.

Christa, to Greta. Hehehe....Kak Aini teased Greta.

Now Greta and Ryan look again to Christa for clearer demonstration. It seems like Christa rows a boat.

Too bad, it is not. :) It is Pilot.
So, because Samuel's group able to answer one (Teacher) and Steven's group able to answer one too ( Fisherman). They group close even score 100 - 100. :) Well done!
Still remember what happened last week? I hope you do....:) If not, hehe....let me remind you with what happened last week in our Sunday School. You can laugh, feel shy, shout " I can do it BETTER next time!!", and excited to be back again.
Here they are:
Whoops...we have memory verse stamps collecter. Both Steven and Ryan exchange their 10 memory verse stamps for a present..........I heard someone is going to gave his present for his family member, nice one :)

Okay, that day we are learning about Jesus called His first disciples.....they are ordinary people with different occupations...some are fishermen, and tax collector, and other people. But God doesnt see people based on their occupation...but rather their hearts. And it is still applies until now, no matter who you are....Jesus want to make you His disciples.
See a group of you lining up? Yep, first person in the row will receive a word from Kak Aini and has to act the word out to the next person who really didnt know what the word is. The word is a kind of occupation. :)
So, Samuel heard Kak Aini.....hmm..

And he acted the word to Ryan....Ryan paid full attention to Samuel.

And Ryan confidently showed the action he saw from Samuel to Nathania. I think it mustnt been easy. Nathania start to ponder what action was that

Passed to Christa....now Christa looks lost :P:P

And passed to Greta.....hehe......and Greta looks lost too.

Second group:
Ryan, Felix, Angel, Adeline, Jocelyn and Keshia are lining up. Steve received word from Kak Aini, then tapping Felix's shoulder.

Felix tried to guess what Steve tried to tell. and passed it to Angel...it must've been something strange...:) Angel and Felix burst to laugh....hahaha...I guess the rest wont able to guess it already :)

Nevermind, Angel has to try....though it looks awkward.

More awkward kind of dance passed to Jocelyn by Adeline. Then Adeline passed it to Keshia. Good luck!

Okay, wanna see how awkward it is? hmm........what was that? bird?

Steven now kinda worried if the group able to understand, and look he tried to show it again....:P

End result??? hehe................

The group are in chaos now.........:). It is really really difficult game. But Keshia saved the day! she guessed correctly it is fisherman! 100 point for the team!

Steven....try again.

and he is giving up.....:) I guess Angel didnt know that. :)

Nope, he didnt. But I believed Angel will have really hard time to understand it :)

And she did!

So does Adeline..........:)

How about Jocelyn and Keshia? hehehe.....dont ask.

And felix? Heheh...poor Felix.....all the clues are not clear at all. Answer? Policemen :)

Back to Samuel's group. Kak Aini passed the word to Samuel

And then received by Nathania, passed again to Christa.

Christa, to Greta. Hehehe....Kak Aini teased Greta.

Now Greta and Ryan look again to Christa for clearer demonstration. It seems like Christa rows a boat.

Too bad, it is not. :) It is Pilot.
So, because Samuel's group able to answer one (Teacher) and Steven's group able to answer one too ( Fisherman). They group close even score 100 - 100. :) Well done!

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