Still remember what happened last week? I hope you do....:) If not, hehe....let me remind you with what happened last week in our Sunday School. You can laugh, feel shy, shout " I can do it BETTER next time!!", and excited to be back again.
Here they are:
Whoops...we have memory verse stamps collecter. Both Steven and Ryan exchange their 10 memory verse stamps for a present..........I heard someone is going to gave his present for his family member, nice one :)

Okay, that day we are learning about Jesus called His first disciples.....they are ordinary people with different occupations...some are fishermen, and tax collector, and other people. But God doesnt see people based on their occupation...but rather their hearts. And it is still applies until now, no matter who you are....Jesus want to make you His disciples.
See a group of you lining up? Yep, first person in the row will receive a word from Kak Aini and has to act the word out to the next person who really didnt know what the word is. The word is a kind of occupation. :)
So, Samuel heard Kak Aini.....hmm..

And he acted the word to Ryan....Ryan paid full attention to Samuel.

And Ryan confidently showed the action he saw from Samuel to Nathania. I think it mustnt been easy. Nathania start to ponder what action was that

Passed to Christa looks lost :P:P

And passed to Greta.....hehe......and Greta looks lost too.

Second group:
Ryan, Felix, Angel, Adeline, Jocelyn and Keshia are lining up. Steve received word from Kak Aini, then tapping Felix's shoulder.

Felix tried to guess what Steve tried to tell. and passed it to must've been something strange...:) Angel and Felix burst to laugh....hahaha...I guess the rest wont able to guess it already :)

Nevermind, Angel has to try....though it looks awkward.

More awkward kind of dance passed to Jocelyn by Adeline. Then Adeline passed it to Keshia. Good luck!

Okay, wanna see how awkward it is? hmm........what was that? bird?

Steven now kinda worried if the group able to understand, and look he tried to show it again....:P

End result??? hehe................

The group are in chaos now.........:). It is really really difficult game. But Keshia saved the day! she guessed correctly it is fisherman! 100 point for the team!

Steven....try again.

and he is giving up.....:) I guess Angel didnt know that. :)

Nope, he didnt. But I believed Angel will have really hard time to understand it :)

And she did!

So does Adeline..........:)

How about Jocelyn and Keshia? hehehe.....dont ask.

And felix? Heheh...poor Felix.....all the clues are not clear at all. Answer? Policemen :)

Back to Samuel's group. Kak Aini passed the word to Samuel

And then received by Nathania, passed again to Christa.

Christa, to Greta. Hehehe....Kak Aini teased Greta.

Now Greta and Ryan look again to Christa for clearer demonstration. It seems like Christa rows a boat.

Too bad, it is not. :) It is Pilot.
So, because Samuel's group able to answer one (Teacher) and Steven's group able to answer one too ( Fisherman). They group close even score 100 - 100. :) Well done!

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