Same in our class, when we are in the class, it is a part of holy place, which is the house of the Lord. The are some rules to ensure that we follow what God wants us to do.
1. Listen to Your Teacher. Punishment: 2x warning, sit at the punishment chair.

2. Keep Your Handphone and Toys. Punishment: Teacher will confiscate and return it after class.

3. Bring Bible, Pen and Blue Book. Punishmenet: Have to stay back in class, and write 10x of "I will bring my ......(blue book/bible/pen) next week"

4. Speak Politely. Punishment: Immediately sit on punishment chair.

5. Memorize Memory Verse. Punishment: Will stay back in the class and write 5x of "I will memorize my memory verse next week". Any repeatance, it will added another 5x from the last offence.

The rules dont meant to find out who did breach more and who did better. But it is a way to keep our behaviour to the way pleasing to the Lord.
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