Michael and his father walked toward the crowd of people who were waiting
to see a group of hot air balloons lift off the ground. "How many balloons are
there?" asked Michael.
"I don't know," replied Dad, "but this is a huge event. People come from all over to take part in it."

Before long, most of the colorful balloons were inflated and had ascended into the sky, floating off in various directions. As Michael watched, he remembered the day when he and a few friends had gone up in a hot air balloon. The owner, a friend of his father, had kept the balloon anchored to the ground with a rope because the wind had become very gusty, but Michael remembered how it had felt to be floating up -- up towards the clouds.
Dad turned to Michael with a smile. "Do you know what this reminds me of?" asked Dad.

"A bird," replied Michael promptly. He pointed toward a bright red balloon with bold, gold lettering. "A cardinal -- because it's red like that balloon."
Dad smiled. "Actually, I was thinking of something quite different," he said. "I'm reminded that if we truly give our problems to the Lord, He will lift them from us and carry them away."
"I've heard preachers say something like that," said Michael, "but I don't really see how we give problems to God."
"We allow Him to lift our burdens by praying and then trusting Him," explained Dad. "Sometimes we pray but fail to trust. We don't let go of our problems but stay attached to them."
"Like when I went up in the hot air balloon that was attached to the ground with a rope?" asked Michael. "I couldn't really float away."
Dad nodded. "We need to remember that the Lord doesn't want us to worry or fret. He cares for us very much, and He can handle our problems. We need to release our fears and trust Him to work everything out in the best possible way."

HOW ABOUT YOU?Do you have problems that seem too big to handle? Do you wish they would float away? God wants you to give those problems to Him. He knows just how to take care of them. Trust Him, and let Him lift your burdens and carry them for you.
TODAY'S KEY VERSE: (1 Peter 5:7)Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.
(taken from CBHMinistries, Keys For Kids)