Hope you enjoy your Sunday and looking forward for Chinese New Year holiday. What a short week!
As per email from Kak Ipei last week, all of you learnt about how God led Moses and the Israelties in crossing Red Sea, which was part of Israelties 40 years journey! Escaped from Egypt and headed to Canaan.
I was on the way from Egypt to Kuwait when the plane flew across the desert. Obviously sea of sand! I hardly saw anything else other than sand.... It reminded me how God led Moses and the Israelties miraculously with pillar of cloud during the day time, protecting them from the heat, and pillar of fire to warmed them up and enlighted their path. Both guided their journey. The temperature on desert can vary from 9 to 24 degree Celcius during winter
Some part of Egypt can be 5 to 20 degree Celcius during winter time! Extreme temperature change does happen on desert, particularly for places located far away from coast line.
The first picture shows desert from the plane. All sand, no trees, road, houses, lighting, building and barely living thing. Spots are shadows of the cloud. If I was there by myself, I would definitely be lost! GPS wouldn't help me and no one to ask....
The next picture shows closer view of desert. Do you see anything other than sand? Can you imagine, if you are standing there...., exhausted, hot, hungry and thirsty? Obviously, you can only depend on what in your backpack.
God gave Israelties Manna and quails for free in their 40 years journey over the desert. Water was also provided in the area where they built their tends temporarily. In Him, nothing is impossible. So, count on Him and it is very easy to talk to Him, He is only as far as your pray....
Have a blessed week ahead!
kak abp
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