"Oh, Mom," Matt protested, "do we have to?"
"Yes, we do." Mom took cleaning supplies from the utility closet. In Matt's bedroom she handed him a large black garbage bag. "Start with the things under the bed. Throw away everything you do not absolutely have to keep," she ordered.
Mom quickly filled a basket with clothes Matt had outgrown. Matt put some things from under the bed into the garbage bag, but he piled most of them beside him. He pulled out a few tattered game cards and looked at them. "The last time we played this game, Jason cheated," he said. "I won't be playing with him anymore."

"He said he was sorry, Matt," Mom reminded. "You need to forget the times people disappoint you. Throw those memories away and remember the good times you have together. You . . ." The phone interrupted her, and she went to answer it.
"That was Grandma," said Mom when she returned. "Aunt Cindy is having them over for Grandpa's birthday dinner, and Grandma wants to know if we'll be there. She ought to remember that we haven't been there since the year Uncle Joe lost his temper and ruined the day for everyone." Mom knelt beside Matt's "keep" pile. "Matt, you've got to learn what to keep and what to throw away!" exclaimed Mom. "This junk is making a disaster zone of your room."
Matt grinned. "Mom, you have to learn to throw things away, too-like bad memories. They make life a disaster zone," he said. "Uncle Joe did apologize. If you'll get rid of your clutter, Mom, I'll get rid of mine."
Mom was startled, but after a moment, she reached around the pile of stuff and hugged Matt. "As soon as we finish this job, I'll call Grandma and tell her that she can look for us at Aunt Cindy's next week," she said. She got up. "On second thought, I'll call her back right now."
"Then I suppose I'll have to call Jason and invite him over," said Matt. "When he comes, we'll play this game if I can find all of the cards." He reached under the bed to search for them.
Do you hang onto bad memories? Don't do that. Learn to get rid of the mental clutter-throw bad memories away as you practice God's directions to forgive one another.
TODAY'S KEY VERSE: (Colossians 3:13)
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
"That was Grandma," said Mom when she returned. "Aunt Cindy is having them over for Grandpa's birthday dinner, and Grandma wants to know if we'll be there. She ought to remember that we haven't been there since the year Uncle Joe lost his temper and ruined the day for everyone." Mom knelt beside Matt's "keep" pile. "Matt, you've got to learn what to keep and what to throw away!" exclaimed Mom. "This junk is making a disaster zone of your room."
Matt grinned. "Mom, you have to learn to throw things away, too-like bad memories. They make life a disaster zone," he said. "Uncle Joe did apologize. If you'll get rid of your clutter, Mom, I'll get rid of mine."
Mom was startled, but after a moment, she reached around the pile of stuff and hugged Matt. "As soon as we finish this job, I'll call Grandma and tell her that she can look for us at Aunt Cindy's next week," she said. She got up. "On second thought, I'll call her back right now."
"Then I suppose I'll have to call Jason and invite him over," said Matt. "When he comes, we'll play this game if I can find all of the cards." He reached under the bed to search for them.

Do you hang onto bad memories? Don't do that. Learn to get rid of the mental clutter-throw bad memories away as you practice God's directions to forgive one another.
TODAY'S KEY VERSE: (Colossians 3:13)
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
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