Do you still remember today's story about Abraham meet God?
There were three man come to Abraham, when he was sitting outside his tent in one hot day. One of the man were the Lord, and the other two were the angels. They came to Abraham to tell him personally that God will give Abraham and Sarah, within one year. God came and talk to Abraham like a friend shows that the Abraham's relationship with God was very close, and God was really pleased with Abraham, and plan to give him a child, while Abraham was very old (100 years old), and Sarah was very old too (probably 90 years old). was something that human unexpected, to have child in such old age.....therefore Sarah laughed to herself...but soon.....they will know, that the Lord really blessed them with a child named Isaac.
Nowadays, we are still able to communicate with God, and understand what He desired and His plans for us. It can be through prayers, reading bible, through our family, and sometimes inside our heart, there are voices saying God's words too! You should try to find out and listen for God's words in your life.
Today Kak Aini give two questions to you:
1. What will you do if you can live 100 years?
2. How would you look like when you are 100 years old? share with your answers, here there are: (Pssstt...dont worry, I wont post your name :P ). Try to find your answers and my comment beside it. :)
Today Kak Aini give two questions to you:
1. What will you do if you can live 100 years?
2. How would you look like when you are 100 years old? share with your answers, here there are: (Pssstt...dont worry, I wont post your name :P ). Try to find your answers and my comment beside it. :)
1) Someone wrote:
a. Thank God: Well.....GREAT...we should thank God always!
b. Wait until I go to Heaven: are sure to go to Heaven.
c. Still help the needy by giving money/charity
d. Exercise daily. Me too!
e. Go to church and praise God
f. Eat healthy and drink healthy
g. Be sensible: wow....that's really nice of you
h. Pray to God: Good attitude. keep it up!
i. Read the bible: Good!
j. Study science : Just like your picture :)

2) Another one wrote:
a) I will praise God everyday: Haleluyah!
b) I will treasure my life: me too! :)
c) I read bible everyday. Great!
d) I will spread the Gospel: Jesus will be proud of you
e) I will get a job as a preacher. Our pastor will be proud of you. :)
f) Stay healthy. Me too!
g) Go to doctor every one time a year for check up. have to.
h) I will pray for people that are in need. Good...and also help them?
i) I will try to obey God's word. Dont try.....just do it. :)
j) I will care for other people. I can see you doing it now.
a) I will praise God everyday: Haleluyah!
b) I will treasure my life: me too! :)
c) I read bible everyday. Great!
d) I will spread the Gospel: Jesus will be proud of you
e) I will get a job as a preacher. Our pastor will be proud of you. :)
f) Stay healthy. Me too!
g) Go to doctor every one time a year for check up. have to.
h) I will pray for people that are in need. Good...and also help them?
i) I will try to obey God's word. Dont try.....just do it. :)
j) I will care for other people. I can see you doing it now.

3) Woow....another one wrote:
a) Go to hospital. For check up? me too!
b) Drug: hmm...are you sick?
c) Smoke: hmm.....we have enough pollution :P
d) Robbed bank: err....did you?
e) Drop down from the hill: how high?
f) Kill police: for robbing the bank?
g) Eat(en) by great white shark: before or after robbing the bank?
h) Be a(n) Alien?
i) Be happy
j) Be sad. Why? be continued on the next posting :)
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