"What does 'theory' mean?" Robert asked.
"A theory is something you believe, but it hasn't been proved," replied Miss Pruit. "As I said, however, there is enough evidence to consider evolution a fact."
"Miss Pruit," said Jordan hesitantly, "the Bible says God created everything."

"Young man," snapped Miss Pruit, "we are getting our information from scientific literature, not some book of fables. We cannot take the Bible seriously."
That evening Jordan told his parents about the class. "What can I do?" he moaned. "I don't believe in evolution, but Miss Pruneface will never give me a passing grade if I just keep telling her what the Bible says about creation. Besides, a lot of the kids think I'm dumb, too, for believing in the Bible."
"Being disrespectful of your teacher won't help," Mom warned sternly. "Call her by her correct name."
"Here's an idea-when you have written work, give the answer Miss Pruit wants along with an explanation of why you don't believe it," suggested Dad. "Stand firm for what you believe-but show respect for Miss Pruit and don't argue. We'll all pray that you'll be a good student in that class and be a testimony for God."
When Jordan took the final exam on the theory of evolution, he quickly put down all the "right" answers. Then he added that he believed the "right" answers were all wrong. He briefly explained that he believed the biblical account of creation.

When the tests were returned, Jordan was surprised to see that he had gotten an "A" for the section. "Jordan, you know what you believe, and I'm sure I can't convince you otherwise," said Miss Pruit as she gave him his test paper. "You're a good student, and you've certainly studied your material."
Do you stand up for what you believe? When you stand up for the Lord, you may be laughed at-and as far as you can tell, you may not influence anyone. But you will grow and be blessed through the experience.
(1 Peter 3:15)
"Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you."
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