Thursday, December 4, 2008

Attendance of November 2008

Hi Class,

As usual, at the end of each month, I will publish our class attendance on our LOVE-ly blog. :)

Wow.....I think the pattern looks like one in labyrinth, I is holiday time. I hope you can enjoy your holidays with your family and friends.......and...dont forget to pray.

Greetings from short distance,

Kak Lung Sen

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Tattletale List

Shawn and Kerianne were always arguing. They also were constantly interrupting their mother to tattle on one another. Often the things they complained about were very little annoyances. "Do you think your attitude pleases God?" Mom asked them. "Don't you think He'd want you to work out those problems and forgive one another and get along together?" But the children kept on tattling.

"I'm tired of all this!" declared Mom one day. "I'm going to give each of you a notebook. Instead of coming to me with all your complaints, write down anything the other one does that bothers you. After supper next Friday, Dad and I will look at your lists and give out any punishment we feel is necessary."

All right! thought Shawn. Is Kerianne ever going to get it! He could hardly wait till she did something wrong . . . and he didn't have to wait very long before he saw his sister playing with his cars without asking. He ran to get his notebook! All week he watched, and by Friday, Shawn had listed over twenty things he thought Kerianne should not have done.

Just before supper, Kerianne came to him. "I'll show you my list if you'll show me yours," she said. "Okay," agreed Shawn. "Let's see it."

Shawn was surprised to see almost thirty things on Kerianne's list! Among other things, he read, "Shawn slammed the door in my face . . . Shawn messed up my doll house today . . . Shawn called me names." And worst of all, "Shawn hit me when I wouldn't give him some of my candy."

"Oh, no!" moaned Shawn. "If Mom and Dad see this, I'll really get in trouble!"

Kerianne was busy reading Shawn's list. "I will, too," she said. "Shawn, I'm sorry I did all these things." She gave him a pleading look.

"Me, too," said Shawn. Then his face brightened. "Hey, let's tear up these lists," he said. "Being a tattletale isn't as much fun as I thought it was!"

Do you like to tattle? Wouldn't it be better to forgive others and try harder to get along? Think of all the things for which God has forgiven you. Will you forgive, too, and not be a "tattletale"?

TODAY'S KEY VERSE: (Colossians 3:13)
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

SecOnD cHaNCe

"Look what Joshua did to my tape!" Nicole's face was red with anger. "He's ruined it!" She turned toward her little brother, who sat at the table eating ice cream. "Don't you ever touch my tape player or tapes again!"

"I'm sorry, Nicole," Joshua said sadly. "It just broked."

"Tapes don't just break!" Nicole argued. "You broke it." She shook her finger at Joshua. "From now on you leave my tapes alone!" she repeated as she went to her room to study.

The next afternoon Mom joined Nicole in her room. "How's the homework coming along?" asked Mom. "You had a test today, didn't you?"

"Yes, but we have another one tomorrow," Nicole replied. "Most of us messed up on today's. We didn't understand the problems very well, so Miss Nelson explained them again, and she's giving us another chance to bring our grades up."

Mom smiled. "I'd say it's good of her to give you a second chance."
Nicole nodded. "Miss Nelson is a really nice teacher," she said.

"Joshua sure could use a second chance, too," said Mom.
Nicole looked puzzled. "Does Joshua have to take tests in kindergarten?"

"He needs a second chance with you," explained Mom. "Don't you think you were a little hard on him yesterday? I don't think he's quite gotten over it-he's been very quiet ever since." Nicole looked down at her hands.

As Nicole hesitated, Joshua came into the room. "I'm going to save my allowance and buy you a new tape," he told his sister.

Nicole's glance fell on her math book. Remembering her second chance in math, she shook her head. "You don't have to do that, Joshua," she said. "I know you didn't break it on purpose. It was an old tape and probably would have broken soon, anyway." She gave him a smile. "You can use my player and my tapes. Just be careful, okay?"

"Okay!" agreed Joshua with a big smile. "I'll be very careful!"

Do you realize that God has often given you a "second chance"? And probably a third, fourth, or fifth chance-or even more? How many times have you cheated, lied, or disobeyed? How many times have you failed Him in one way or another? Yet when you confessed your sin to God, He always forgave you. Are you holding a grudge against somebody? Don't you think that person deserves a second chance, too? Ask God to help you forgive as He does.

TODAY'S KEY VERSE: (Colossians 3:13)
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

DiSaStEr zOnE

We're going to clean your room, Matt, Mom announced one afternoon. "Right now."

"Oh, Mom," Matt protested, "do we have to?"

"Yes, we do." Mom took cleaning supplies from the utility closet. In Matt's bedroom she handed him a large black garbage bag. "Start with the things under the bed. Throw away everything you do not absolutely have to keep," she ordered.

Mom quickly filled a basket with clothes Matt had outgrown. Matt put some things from under the bed into the garbage bag, but he piled most of them beside him. He pulled out a few tattered game cards and looked at them. "The last time we played this game, Jason cheated," he said. "I won't be playing with him anymore."

"He said he was sorry, Matt," Mom reminded. "You need to forget the times people disappoint you. Throw those memories away and remember the good times you have together. You . . ." The phone interrupted her, and she went to answer it.

"That was Grandma," said Mom when she returned. "Aunt Cindy is having them over for Grandpa's birthday dinner, and Grandma wants to know if we'll be there. She ought to remember that we haven't been there since the year Uncle Joe lost his temper and ruined the day for everyone." Mom knelt beside Matt's "keep" pile. "Matt, you've got to learn what to keep and what to throw away!" exclaimed Mom. "This junk is making a disaster zone of your room."

Matt grinned. "Mom, you have to learn to throw things away, too-like bad memories. They make life a disaster zone," he said. "Uncle Joe did apologize. If you'll get rid of your clutter, Mom, I'll get rid of mine."
Mom was startled, but after a moment, she reached around the pile of stuff and hugged Matt. "As soon as we finish this job, I'll call Grandma and tell her that she can look for us at Aunt Cindy's next week," she said. She got up. "On second thought, I'll call her back right now."

"Then I suppose I'll have to call Jason and invite him over," said Matt. "When he comes, we'll play this game if I can find all of the cards." He reached under the bed to search for them.

Do you hang onto bad memories? Don't do that. Learn to get rid of the mental clutter-throw bad memories away as you practice God's directions to forgive one another.

TODAY'S KEY VERSE: (Colossians 3:13)
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Esau Forgives Jacob

Hello Class!

How are you this week? I hope you are fine.....and you're rejoicing in the Lord. Of course you are planning for your holiday right? the time you come back to Singapore, you should tell us about your holiday...:)

Still remember what Kak Aini told you on Sunday? About Esau fogives Jacob? What can we learn from Esau? He already forgave Jacob before Jacob actually seek for forgiveness! He really long to see Jacob, that's why he ran to Jacob and hug him and kiss him.

As Christians, we should forgive our brothers or sisters who might have done something wrong to us. It is because God loves us first, when we were sinners. It will not be please pray to God so that he enable you to forgive.

Dont forget our memory verse this week:

"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you" Colossians 3:13

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Story - by Calvin

i got.the story is about me and my friend at day, is reces time and we all live happily ever after the lah. i wanted to tell u that my song in my mp3.maybe you can check at youtube is you want.ok here is the list.ok i mean my favourite.i download it at youtube so maybe u can watch that.

1.bad day alvin and the chipmunks.(pop)

2.friend--live-- Michael W.Smith(church song)

3.Michael W.Smith-Here I Am(church song)

4.Michael W.Smith-You Are Holy(church song)

5.Michael W.Smith-The Stand(church song)

6.Michael W.Smith-Secret Ambition(church song)

7.Daniel Powter-Bad Day with Lyrics(pop)
8.Bad day with lyrics(pop)

ok hope u enjoyed it.this my favourite so please see it.ooooo please ooooo please ooooo please oooo please ooooo please ooooo please ooooo please.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Memorizing Old and New Testament

Hi Kids,

As spoken today in the class, we are going to ask you to memorize the sequence of the bible, starting from Genesis in Old testament till Revelation in New Testament. There are altogether 66 books to memorize, we will choose 60 books to ask you in the exam on 9th November 2008. Each correct answer will give you 1 point of 100 (full mark).

I attach the handout given to you to help you study on this. :) If it is too small, you can click on the picture, and it will show bigger one.

I hope you can find it useful. Give it a try.....and I see you next week :)


Lung Sen

Old Testament Map:

New Testament Menu:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Attendance of October 2008

Hello Kids!

As usual, at the end of every month I will update you the..........ATTENDANCE LIST......clap....clap...clap.

Here are the attendance list for October 2008.

Well done, keep a good and regular attendance every week. I see you in the beginning of November 2008 :), and dont forget the memory verse:

Phillipians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to your God"


Lung Sen

Wrong 'Right' Answers

"All right, class, today we'll begin our study of evolution," announced Miss Pruit. "Of course, most scientists today consider it to be more fact than theory, and so do I." She paused. "Yes, Robert?"

"What does 'theory' mean?" Robert asked.

"A theory is something you believe, but it hasn't been proved," replied Miss Pruit. "As I said, however, there is enough evidence to consider evolution a fact."

"Miss Pruit," said Jordan hesitantly, "the Bible says God created everything."
"Young man," snapped Miss Pruit, "we are getting our information from scientific literature, not some book of fables. We cannot take the Bible seriously."

That evening Jordan told his parents about the class. "What can I do?" he moaned. "I don't believe in evolution, but Miss Pruneface will never give me a passing grade if I just keep telling her what the Bible says about creation. Besides, a lot of the kids think I'm dumb, too, for believing in the Bible."

"Being disrespectful of your teacher won't help," Mom warned sternly. "Call her by her correct name."

"Here's an idea-when you have written work, give the answer Miss Pruit wants along with an explanation of why you don't believe it," suggested Dad. "Stand firm for what you believe-but show respect for Miss Pruit and don't argue. We'll all pray that you'll be a good student in that class and be a testimony for God."

When Jordan took the final exam on the theory of evolution, he quickly put down all the "right" answers. Then he added that he believed the "right" answers were all wrong. He briefly explained that he believed the biblical account of creation.

When the tests were returned, Jordan was surprised to see that he had gotten an "A" for the section. "Jordan, you know what you believe, and I'm sure I can't convince you otherwise," said Miss Pruit as she gave him his test paper. "You're a good student, and you've certainly studied your material."

Do you stand up for what you believe? When you stand up for the Lord, you may be laughed at-and as far as you can tell, you may not influence anyone. But you will grow and be blessed through the experience.

(1 Peter 3:15)
"Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you."

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Right Move

"Which do you want first, the bad news or the good news?" asked Mom when Morgan got home from school.

"The bad, I guess." Morgan munched on an apple. She knew that when Mom played "Bad News/Good News" with her, the news was never terribly bad. "Dad's job transfer is to Dalton instead of to Briggs," said Mom. "Dalton?" moaned Morgan. "We already found a nice house in Briggs." She sighed. "What's the good news?" she asked. "Dalton isn't as far away as Briggs, so you and your friends here can get together more often," said Mom. "That's true," said Morgan, "but I still wish we didn't have to move at all."

She jumped up. "I'm going to check on Smokey and her kittens," she said as she left the room. Soon Morgan was back. "Mom, Smokey moved her kittens again," she said. "She put them back in my room -- under my bed. I wish I could keep them there." "I know, but that isn't a good place for them," said Mom. "It's too busy with you and your friends scooting in and out so often. The kittens are better off in the utility room." "Yeah, I guess so," agreed Morgan. "I'll move them back." When the kittens were moved, Morgan returned to the kitchen. "I shut the door to my room," she said, "so Smokey won't be able to move the kittens there again." "Good idea," said Mom. "Too bad we can't explain to Smokey that I have a good reason for shutting her out and that her babies are better off where we put them," said Morgan.

Mom nodded. "Just like us," she said. "We thought that right here was the best place for us to live. We expected to stay here a long time, but the Lord has apparently shut the door on that idea." "He must have a good reason, too. Right?" asked Morgan. "Right," agreed Mom. "I'm sure He has."


Have you had disappointing changes in your plans? Sometimes change is hard to accept, but God wants only what's best for you. Trust Him even when things don't go the way you wish they would.

TODAY'S KEY VERSE: (Jeremiah 29:11)
I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

God met Abraham (part 2)

Continued from the previous posting :)

4) And...someone answered:
a) I will die: we all are gonna die....make sure you enter heaven
b) I will be happy: me toooooo!! :P
c) I will be sad: I try not to let you sad
d) I will be mad: well.....dont!
e) I will be a mental patient: hmm......I'm sure you wont. Maybe you ARE the one who HELP them!
f) I will talk: eh...I thought you like to talk in the class :). Keep cheer up :)
g) I will breath: you dont meh?
h) I will see: you dont meh?
i) I will eat: yaayy...great. Make sure you invite me to your house
j) I will commit suicide: WON'T. God loves too!

5) Another buddy told:
a) Go to hospital: be a doctor? good!
b) Get cancer: is it your horoscope?
c) Get stroke: is 'stroke' a cake?
d) Being paralyzed: gosh......God bless you.
e) Smoke: copy from the top?
f) Drag: by who?
g) Alcohol: I used it to prevent infection. Dont drink it though.
h) Can not talk: can talk
i) blind: but your heart see the Lord.
j) commit suicide: you WONT. God and me love you.
k) praise God: Hurraayy......
l) Go in to the newspaper so that I will be popular.
m) It's impossible: that's what human think....but God think otherwise
n) be a rich man. I want it too!!! high five, bro!

6) Another fellow answered:
a) Praise God. Praise God
b) Pray to God
c) Go to church. Yaay...see you on Sunday.
d) Exercise. too! want to jog with me?
e) Watch TV.
f) Read bible. Good....find out about God's words.
g) Go shopping. Aha! must be your hobby. :)
h) Do a fashion show. Wow....if you do that, I will be your fans :)
i) Sleep. You need it, I need it...we all :)
j) Stay healthy. Good! you should!

7) And someone said:
a) Exercise: good, we all need it.....hehe...
b) Praise God. Yaay...Haleluyah!
c) Go to church: I see you on Sunday!
d) Pray to God: Good......God loves you
e) Go to hospital: For check up? me too!
f) Read bible
g) Go to old folk's home. is very nice of you to think of them.
h) Cook. I love......eating! next time you cook...please invite me!
i) Go shopping. Haha.....well....tell me what you've bought next time yah.
j) Stay healthy. Me too!!

8) And another friend told:
a) Be preserved in a museum. be famous, arent you?
b) Lead normal life. Hmm...I think preserved in a museum is far away from normal life?
c) Praise God. Halleluyah!
d) Be popular! Good! I will be your fans.
e) Be a billionare. Teach me how to be too!
f) Donate
g) Donate
h) Donate
i) Till you are poor then...get more money then...Donate...Donate Donate 20x
j) Die at 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years old ( If you can). Good....I like you being optimistic!

9) Another fellow said:
a) I will buy a bank. Why one? two....and give me one bank.
b) Pray to God. God loves you :)
c) Be a super-star: I thought you already are?
d) Be a soccer player: hehe....I think people know who you are already.
e) Kill a bad Guy. How if you convert the bad guy to be a good guy.
f) I want to be VIP. I want it too!!
g) Die at the age of 111100100101101 age. Hmm.....can you say the number in english? hehee....

10) Lastly....a friend of mine in the class told me:
a) I would use the future technology to live another 1000 years. Woow....make sure you tell everyone how to live 1000 years....I definitely want it :)
b) I would play with handphone all day. :)....must be fun yah
c) Be sad. Welll....dont
d) Be happy. Alright!!.....let's rejoice!
e) Be angry. hmm.....why?
f) Be surprised. it near your birthday celebration?
g) be shocked. Hmm....i think surprised is better
h) Be are a nice kid.
i) Be evil. are a good child of God
j) Die. faith in Jesus. :) you will enter heaven.

Have a blessed week ahead, Class!

- Lung Sen -

God met Abraham

Hi Kids,
Do you still remember today's story about Abraham meet God?

There were three man come to Abraham, when he was sitting outside his tent in one hot day. One of the man were the Lord, and the other two were the angels. They came to Abraham to tell him personally that God will give Abraham and Sarah, within one year. God came and talk to Abraham like a friend shows that the Abraham's relationship with God was very close, and God was really pleased with Abraham, and plan to give him a child, while Abraham was very old (100 years old), and Sarah was very old too (probably 90 years old). was something that human unexpected, to have child in such old age.....therefore Sarah laughed to herself...but soon.....they will know, that the Lord really blessed them with a child named Isaac.

Nowadays, we are still able to communicate with God, and understand what He desired and His plans for us. It can be through prayers, reading bible, through our family, and sometimes inside our heart, there are voices saying God's words too! You should try to find out and listen for God's words in your life.
Today Kak Aini give two questions to you:
1. What will you do if you can live 100 years?
2. How would you look like when you are 100 years old? share with your answers, here there are: (Pssstt...dont worry, I wont post your name :P ). Try to find your answers and my comment beside it. :)

1) Someone wrote:
a. Thank God: Well.....GREAT...we should thank God always!
b. Wait until I go to Heaven: are sure to go to Heaven.
c. Still help the needy by giving money/charity
d. Exercise daily. Me too!
e. Go to church and praise God
f. Eat healthy and drink healthy
g. Be sensible: wow....that's really nice of you
h. Pray to God: Good attitude. keep it up!
i. Read the bible: Good!
j. Study science : Just like your picture :)

2) Another one wrote:
a) I will praise God everyday: Haleluyah!
b) I will treasure my life: me too! :)
c) I read bible everyday. Great!
d) I will spread the Gospel: Jesus will be proud of you
e) I will get a job as a preacher. Our pastor will be proud of you. :)
f) Stay healthy. Me too!
g) Go to doctor every one time a year for check up. have to.
h) I will pray for people that are in need. Good...and also help them?
i) I will try to obey God's word. Dont try.....just do it. :)
j) I will care for other people. I can see you doing it now.

3) Woow....another one wrote:
a) Go to hospital. For check up? me too!
b) Drug: hmm...are you sick?
c) Smoke: hmm.....we have enough pollution :P
d) Robbed bank: err....did you?
e) Drop down from the hill: how high?
f) Kill police: for robbing the bank?
g) Eat(en) by great white shark: before or after robbing the bank?
h) Be a(n) Alien?
i) Be happy
j) Be sad. Why? be continued on the next posting :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Can't See It!

"I'll believe it when I see it!" scoffed Kurt, reaching for a drumstick.

"Oh, Kurt!" exclaimed Lisa. "I really did see a squirrel without a tail! You never believe anything!"

"We believe quite a few things we can't see," said Mom thoughtfully.

"I know . . . I know," muttered Kurt. "Like wind and electricity, right?"

"Yes, and lots of other things, too," replied Mom as she passed the potatoes. "Many important things in life can't be seen. Take love, for example. We see evidence-or results-of love, but we can't see the love itself."

"Or friendship," suggested Lisa. "You can't tell by looking at a picture that someone is your best friend."

"You can't know if a person is honest just by looking at him, either," added Dad. "All these things we've mentioned are seen only by knowing the person."

"What about believing in God?" asked Lisa. "You can't actually see Him."

"That's true. Remember Thomas in the Bible?" asked Dad. "He insisted he had to see Jesus before he could believe in the resurrection. Thomas was allowed to see Him, but Jesus said those who believe without seeing Him are blessed. We believe through faith, and God blesses that."

"If we didn't believe without having seen Him, no one would become a Christian," observed Mom.

"That's right," agreed Dad. "And did you hear who became a Christian just last Sunday? Pastor Baker told me today that Nick Pratt accepted Christ after the evening service."

"Nick Pratt!" exclaimed Kurt in surprise. "I'll believe that when I see it." He spoke the phrase automatically, a doubtful look on his face. "You know what he's like!"

"You just wait, Kurt," said Lisa. "You'll see the evidence of Jesus in Nick Pratt's life, too. You just wait!"

Kurt was silent-thinking. Suddenly he grinned. "Okay,"
he said. "I know God can change him, too. Tell you what . . . from now on my
motto will be 'I'll see it when I believe it'! Do you like that better?" He
noticed there were smiles all around the table.

Would you say that you believe only in what you can see? You believe in air, sound, and fun, don't you? These are among the many things that can't be seen-you only see the evidence of them. You can't see Jesus today, either, but you can see the evidence of His life in the lives of Christians. Put away your doubts and put your faith in Him-He's real. Accept Him as your Savior today. (See the ABCs at the end of this book.)

Whom having not seen you love. 1 Peter 1:8

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sunday School Outing

Hello Kidz!

Perhaps you're all still remember about the outing which we had last week at Botanical Garden? I took some photos from my digital camera, and here are some of them. You can take a closer look if you go to:

Or just use the slideshow player in this blog. You can tell to your school friends! :)

Lung Sen

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tower of Babel!

Hello Brothers and Sisters!

Remember Kak Aini's story last week about the Tower of Babel? Can you re-tell what the story about??


Well, just want to remind you what it was about. The story continued after very big flood that happened during Noah's time. Noah and his family were saved because they followed God's command, and then......they start to have children, and their children have more children, and so on. Now the land filled with people, and these people start to think to build a city, and also........
a TOWER! (yes, thank you :)) Why a tower? Because this tower can be seen from a far, and they want to make a name for themselves, creating a gigantic tower, to compete with the mighty GOD!

It was so silly for them, the plan failed. Because the plan wasnt approved by God, God simply mixed their language from one language to many languages, therefore they are not able to understand each other, and the tower was left un-finished.

From the story we learned, although sometimes we look smart, capable, strong, or rich, or fast, but these skills that we have in our life are actually God-given skills. They are His blessings to our life, therefore we should humble ourselves, and use these skills to glorify God's name, not our name. In all ways, God still greater than what we are. Amen!

And the memory verse taken from Jeremiah 10:6
"No one is like you, O Lord; You are great, and Your Name is mighty in power."

Thanks to Ian who helped to wrote the memory verse to the white board. :)

Well.....look here, three enthusiastic faces of Ian, Ryan and Calvin who copying the memory verse for next week. :)

Oh ya, here is the attendance list in September 2008. Well done! Most of you come to Sunday School every week! Cya next month!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Human Alphabets

Hi guys and gals!

Do you still remember few weeks ago, when Kak Aini tell us a story of Joshua lead Israelites to help Gibeonites? And as opening, we play a small game: Human Alphabets. Look at those pictures! Ian and Kelvin put their head together ( must've hurt :) ), Steven stand straight, Kezia and Audrey forms a "d" letter (Kezia must've been tired to bend like that :D ). Yup they formed a letter "Aid" - which describe what Joshua did for Gibeonites.

Ow, there is another team forming up another words!
Look at Angel and Kezia holding hands together to form "M", Kelvin and Ian forms "E" (hey....I can see Ian sleeping :P), Felix forms a single "r", and followed by Audrey forms "c", and closed by "Y" from Steven and Ryan. :)

The story evolve around Canaan, where Gibeonites trick Joshua and Israelites into an agreement so that they can stay alive in their lands. Joshua and Israelites has no choice but to obey what promise they had given to Gibeonites, they are let alive. But there is another problem comes to Gibeonites! They are attacked by 5 kingdoms around their country, because those kingdoms hate Israelites. They've heard that Gibeonites made friend with Israelites, so they assume Gibeonites were their enemy. Being so scared, Gibeonites asked Joshua to rescue them. Although Joshua and Israelites were tricked, they still have mercy and willing to help Gibeonites. Well....with God at their side, 5 kingdoms are not a problem at all. :)

So......Joshua has set an example to HELP people around us :), even they've done something wrong to us.

Last Human Alphabets: "HELP" :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A blog for L.O.V.E class just created!

Hi everyone,

Finally we have a blog launched, as our class blog. You can send me anything that you'd like to be placed here. Maybe your stories about today's experience in school, in education centre, at home, or at church. If you have photos, feel free to submit it to my email (

I really looking forward to start new sharing experience with you.

God bless!
- Lung Sen -